9 Best Tools for Data Quality in 2021

Zoe Hawkins

03 August, 2021

The volume of data streaming in from different sources makes data quality hard to maintain during analysis. A survey of data professionals carried out by Dimensional Research showed that 90 percent admitted: “numerous unreliable data sources” slowed their work. Meanwhile, our State of Data Quality in 2021 survey found that data quality is the top KPI for data teams, showing just how vital it is across organizations.

It is hard to maintain data quality when faced with inaccuracy, complex data structures, different data types full of duplicates, and poor labeling. Even though challenging, quality data is essential for any organization to make data-driven decisions. Harvard Professor Dustin Tingley in Data Science Principles agrees that "to transform data to actionable information, you first need to evaluate its quality."

We believe achieving data quality is a multi-step process that involves various steps along the data value chain. While perfect data is not achievable, some tools in the modern data stack can help you boost your organization's data quality. We broke down nine of the best data quality tools to facilitate quality data at every step.

Tools for Data Transformation

Data transformation is the "t" in extract, transform, load (ETL) or extract, load, transform (ELT), and it is a stage where businesses clean, merge, and aggregate raw data into tables to later be used by data analysts. Data transformation tools are not data quality tools, strictly speaking. Still, as the central piece to any data platform, the choice of the transformation framework can influence the data quality a lot. The best ETL frameworks come with built-in data testing features and facilitate sustainable patterns.

1. dbt


Source: dbt

dbt ( data build tool) is a tool that empowers data analysts to own the data analytics engineering process from transforming and modeling data to the deployment of code and generating documentation. dbt eases the data transformation workflow, making data accessible to every department in an organization.

How dbt improves data quality: As a data transformation tool, dbt elegantly facilitates version-controlled source code, separates development and production environments, and facilitates documentation. In addition, it comes with a built-in testing framework that helps you build testable and reliable data products from the ground up. dbt's native testing quickly identifies when the data in your environment misaligns with what is expected. Through these functions, dbt protects your data applications from potential landmines such as null values, unexpected duplicates, incorrect references, and incompatible formats. dbt tests can be incorporated into your continuous integration and deployment process and also run in production to prevent bad data from being published to your stakeholders.

2. Dagster


Source: Dagster

Dagster is an open-source data orchestration framework for ETL, ELT, and ML pipelines. Dagster allows you to define data pipelines that can be tested locally and deployed anywhere. It also models data dependencies in every step of your orchestration graph. Dagster has a rich UI for debugging pipelines with ease. It is a go-to tool for building reliable data applications. Dagster CEO Nick Schrock explains in this video how "Dagster manages and orchestrates the graphs of computations that comprise a data application."

How Dagster improves data quality: Dagster allows for data dependencies between tasks to be defined (unlike Airflow — the mother of all modern ETL orchestrators), which greatly helps with ensuring reliability. Much like dbt (which is SQL-centric and therefore runs tests in SQL), Dagster offers a Python API to define tests inside the data pipelines.

Data Catalog Tools

A data catalog is an organized inventory of an organization’s metadata offering search and discovery. Finding and validating the source of data to use can be really challenging. Mark Grover, co-founder and CEO of Stemma, describes how the disparity of knowledge between data producers and data consumers is “the biggest gap in data-driven organizations”. Data catalogs power better data discovery through a Google-like search, boost trust in data, and facilitate data governance. They enable everyone on the team to access, distribute, and search for data easily.

3 & 4. Amundsen and DataHub


Source: Amundsen


Source: DataHub

Amundsen is a data discovery and metadata platform with a lightweight catalog and search UI originally developed at Lyft and written primarily in Python. The architecture includes a frontend service, search service, metadata service, and a data builder. DataHub is also an open-source metadata platform originally developed at LinkedIn. It is similar to Amundsen but written mainly in Scala.

How data catalogs improve data quality: In a world where having tens of thousands of tables and millions of columns in a data warehouse is not uncommon, companies cannot expect data scientists and analysts to simply know what data to use and how to use it correctly in their work. While data catalogs typically don't validate or manage the data themselves, they are important in ensuring that the data users rely on trusted, high-quality data in their decisions.

Instrumentation Management Tools

Most analytical data comes from instrumented events - messages that capture relevant things happening in your business - such as the user clicking a button or an order being scheduled for delivery. The more complex and bigger the business, the more varied the events that organizations need to track, which often leads to an unmanageable mess of raw data. To organize the instrumentation, product, analytics, and engineering teams create shared tracking plans that define what, why, where, and how events are tracked. Often existing in spreadsheets, such tracking plans are hard to manage, let alone validate the data against them at scale. Luckily, there are specific tools that automate the process from defining events and properties to validating them in development and production, helping you ensure data quality from the very beginning of the data value chain.

5 & 6. Avo and Iteratively


Source: Avo


Source: Iteratively

Avo is a collaborative analytics governance tool for product managers, developers, engineers, and data scientists. Avo describes itself as "a platform and an inspector that enables different teams to collaborate and ship products faster without compromising data quality." Similar to Avo, Iteratively serves as a “single source of truth for your analytics.” It allows data and product teams to track high-quality data and automatically generate documentation for your team.

How they improve data quality: Once bad data enters the warehouse, it quickly cascades through numerous pipelines and becomes hard to clean up. Ensuring that the raw data (events) is clearly defined and tested, and the change management process is structured is a very effective way to improve data quality throughout the entire stack. Both of these tools (Avo and Iteratively) through their collaborative tracking plans, instrumentation SDKs, and validation that can be embedded in the CI/CD process, help ensure the quality of analytical instrumentation.

Tools for Data Observability

As the modern data stack becomes increasingly complex, organizations need a way to manage the complexity of data infrastructure and observe the quality and availability of data assets such as tables, BI reports, and dashboards; data observability refers to monitoring, tracking, and detecting issues with data to avoid data downtime. Monitoring data is vital because it keeps you in check with the health of your data in your organization.

7. Datafold


Source: Datafold

Datafold is a data observability platform with a focus on proactive data quality management. Datafold helps data users discover the data through its Catalog, understand the data through its visual data profiler and column-level lineage, and proactively validate the data using Data Diff. The proactive approach enables data teams to prevent data quality issues instead of merely reacting to them by detecting data regressions before corrupted data gets into production. To achieve that, Datafold integrates with ELT frameworks such as dbt and automates testing as part of CI/CD process, serving as a gatekeeper.

As a data observability tool, not only does Datafold help ensure better data quality but it also automates mundane tasks for data developers allowing data teams to focus on truly creative work, ship data products faster while having high confidence in their data quality.

How Datafold improves data quality:

Column-level data profiler lets everyone see how any dataset works in a matter of seconds, avoiding writing dull SQL queries just to learn basic facts about data distributions:

Column-level data lineage enables data users to quickly trace dependencies between tables, columns, and other data products such as BI dashboards and ML models. Understanding the flows of data on such a granular level massively simplifies the change management process, helps avoid breaking things for downstream data users, and speeds up incident resolution:

Data Diff automates regression testing of any change to SQL code by providing detailed visibility into the impact of every change in the code on the resulting data. As ETL codebase grows into thousands of lines of code with sprawled dependencies, testing even the slightest change may require hours of manual validation. Data Diff can be used to automate regression testing for code changes, code reviews, data transfer validations, and ETL migrations:

Tracking metrics and alerting on anomalies regularly helps detect and address issues early. Datafold can track any SQL-defined metric with an ML model that learns the typical behavior (even if it's very noisy) of the metric and alerts relevant stakeholders over email, Slack, PagerDuty, or other channels. Using metric alerting, data teams can easily detect issues such as an abnormal number of rows appended to a dataset or an increase in NULL values in an important column.

Tools for Data Quality in Machine Learning (ML)

No matter how advanced and sophisticated a machine learning model is, its effectiveness and accuracy are highly dependent on the quality of input data. In this article by Harvard Business Review, Thomas Redman acknowledges how bad data can affect your machine learning tools and make them useless. Monitoring the quality of input data in conjunction with the model performance becomes and integral part of deploying any production ML system.

8. Evidently


Source: Evidently

Evidently is an open-source machine learning monitoring tool that generates interactive visual reports by analyzing machine learning models during validation and production. The core concept compares two datasets, the reference, and the current dataset, to give a performance report. Evidently applies six report cases for ML models: data drift, numerical target drift, categorical target drift, regression model performance, classification model performance, and probabilistic classification model performance.

How Evidently improves data quality: When loading data to a machine learning model, many issues can occur including lost data, data processing problems, and changes in the data schema. It is vital to catch these issues in time or deal with failures in production. For example, if a change in feature values or a model decay occurs, the data drift report detects changes in feature distributions using statistical tests and produces interactive visual reports. Using Evidently, you can also summarize and understand the quality of your classification models.

9. Data version control (DVC)


Source: DVC

DVC is an open-source version control system for tracking ML models,  feature sets, and associated performance metrics with a git-like interface. DVC is compatible with any git repository or git provider like GitHub or GitLab. It uses cloud service providers like Amazon S3, Google cloud storage, etc. for storing data. It also supports low friction branching and metric tracking and a built-in ML pipeline framework.

How DVC improves data quality: Just like version control in software development creates a better codebase, having your models and datasets managed and version-controlled allows for reproducibility and collaboration. It also provides for easy modification, reverting errors, and fixing bugs. DVC Studio lets you analyze git histories by extracting information about your ML experiments' data sets and metrics. With DVC, you can also track failures in your models in a reproducible way.

Choose Data Quality Tools Based on Your Use Case

Data quality, much like software quality, is such a multidimensional and complex problem that no single tool can solve it for an organization. Instead of looking for a unicorn tool that does (or most likely, pretends to do) “everything,” start strategically with a targetted approach of specifying the issues. For example, “people break data when making changes to SQL code” or “ingest from our data vendor is unreliable,” and then look for specialized solutions that solve each problem well.

Datafold helps your team stay on top of data quality by providing data diff and lineage, eliminating breaking changes by automating regression testing for ETL and BI applications.